Urbanyog Pimple Patch

Since I have oily and acne prone skin, I have used many pimple patches. Today, lets talk about the Urbanyog one.

These are round patches that contain hydro-colloid, a substance responsible for absorption of the pimple fluids. It works best on cystic and pustule type of acne. These are acne that filled with pus. Also, acne that is just ready to pop and has some white gunk oozing out. You just keep applying it till the acne dries out completely. This generally happens in 3-4 uses.

There are 36 patches of different size and the patch requirement totally  depends on individuals pimple size.

You can apply the patch any time through the day. But I apply it at night and leave it on since night time is best time as our skin is under recovery mode.

You can also use it underneath make up. No matter how thick layer of primer we use but there are still chances of makeup chemicals interacting with the break out, so these patches could be used as a protective barrier on the skin and one can apply makeup on top of the patch. It also protects from outside dust and microbes.

If you have cystic and pustule type of acne then you should definitely check these out.
