Stress & Skin

We all have had days when we think that we have been doing everything right for our skin but it still misbehaves, haven't we?

Many factors other than a skincare regimen affect our skin, and a lot of them are out of our control including: genetics, hormones, lifestyle, and our environment.

There is another big factor that not many people know or talk about: STRESS.

While stress seems like something purely mental and emotional, it can trigger a wide range of physical changes. Stress feels like it’s all in your head, but remember, the mind is connected to the body in more ways than we tend to think. The one think you should always remember is the MIND and BODY CONNECTION.

So in this edition of #vanitysparkleswellbeing , lets talk about how stress affects our skin and hair. 

When you are tense because of stress, the main goal of our body becomes protection because it believes we are in danger. At this point skin, hair, and nails become the least of our bodies’ worries, and the effects are made clear.

If we talk about hormones, there is an increased production in some hormones that increases sweat and oil production, which clogs pores and causes acne, and it suppresses the immune system so that it can’t adequately fight off inflammation and bacteria, which can lead to flare ups of breakouts, rashes, infections, and irritation. There is a depletion in production of collagen and elastin, so skin cells aren’t renewing and repairing as they should, causing wrinkles and fine lines.
There is a shift in the blood flow to the parts of your body most impacted by stress (in this case your brain), reducing blood flow to the skin. This can cause the skin to appear dull and lifeless.

Stress can also negatively affect women’s menstrual cycles leading to hormonal imbalances that can give you the hormonal acne of a teenager.

Stress can also make us turn to more comfort food. Which means more ice cream, more junk and basically more unhealthy food that gives us most comfort. Now, we all know, sugar, dairy and processed food can increase oil production and might increase break outs. Eating junk once in a while is fine, but if you get stressed too often. Imagine the effect on your skin.

Stress also affects sleep which means swollen puffy eyes and dark circles. No one wants that!

The effects of stress on your physical appearance go beyond just skin; it also can mess with your hair. Just as stress can make your skin oily or dry, it can do the same with your hair. Especially high levels of stress can lead to hair loss or thinning. In times of stress, our bodies can delay hair growth as treating the anxiety becomes more important.

So isn't handling and dealing with stress more important? 


Last week we spoke about the effect of stress on our skin and hair. Not to forget it definitely affects our physical, emotional and mental well-being as well. 

We’re in the midst of a worldwide pandemic keeping us stuck inside or making us go outside in this dangerous situation. It can all take a toll on us. Here’s some tips that may not completely get rid of stress, but will help you relax at least a little bit, and make stress seem more manageable.

If you think you are not in the state to manage it alone or need a push, please DM me. I am a professional Psychologist.

Today, lets talk about making a routine.

A to-do list or a simple plan for the day really helps when you are stressed.

You must have seen that when you are stressed, you feel over whelmed and surrounded by chaos. You tend to forget things you need to do.

Just a sense of too much to do might make you so agitated that you do not end up doing anything.

Take it slow. Relax. Make a list of things you need to complete. Categorize them into IMPORTANT, URGENT, and follow it up with things that are not soo urgent or important but needs to be done.

When you see it on paper, you know that you will not forget it. If the list seems long, do not let that stress you out even more.

Just START. Start with the first thing.

You can do it. If you need help, like I said, I am here, always.


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